Our Governors
Becoming a governor is a rewarding way to make a real contribution to the development of our children and young people. Governing bodies are increasingly professional so volunteers need not be experts in education as they will be able to contribute from their skills set, whatever that may be. For that reason we welcome expressions of interest from anyone who would like to find out more about being a school governor. Recruiting governors is largely based on an analysis of needs and vacancies arise from time to time. Governors attend six meetings of the full governing body in each school year as well as visiting the school to follow up their own specialist responsibility. As a board of governors, we use the circle model. It is a privilege to share this precious work in supporting the school community and all those who volunteer find great reward in it.
Chair of Governors:
The Chair of Governors is Mr John Viner and he can be contacted by Email: ChairofGovernors@sandling.kent.sch.uk or via the school office.
Clerk to the Governors:
Any member of the governing body may be contacted by sending letters via the clerk to governors. Letters should be deposited at the school office marked for the attention of the clerk, or emailed to Rose.Davies@theeducationpeople.org