Sandling Primary School

NHS Emotional Well-being Practitioners

What do Emotional Well-being Practitioners do?  

Emotional Well-being Practitioners (EWPs) aim to improve access to mental health support for children, young people and their families.  Using evidence-based principles, we provide low intensity interventions for young people experiencing common emotional well-being difficulties such as, low mood, anxiety and behavioural difficulties.  EWPs also provide one-to-one support, run groups and workshops in educational settings for children and young people as well as parents and school staff. Most importantly, we will work together with Sandling Primary School to support children, young people and their families. We also work with school staff to help improve well-being across the school as a whole.  

"Hello, my name is Sasha and I am a Senior Clinician and Supervisor for the Emotional Well-being Team in West Kent at Sandling Primary School. I really enjoy the variety of work we do at the school, including one to one support with children and their parents, workshops with the year groups and supporting the staff at the school too. I am pleased that the support we offer is accessible for everyone connected with the school community and we can all work together to help improve students of Sandling Primary emotional well-being through early intervention. Outside of work my hobbies include walking the family dog, socialising and yoga, I am yet to try puppy yoga!"


How else can I get help?

There are a number of ways to find well-being and mental health support:

  • MindEd for Families was created by experts and parents together to provide safe and reliable advice about young people’s mental health.

  • Young Minds offers services to parents and carers who are concerned about their child’s mental health through telephone, email and webchat

  • Kent Resilience Hub supporting 10-16 year olds to cope better with the pressures of everyday life.

Upcoming Workshops

 OSI Poster - Sept 24 update.pdfDownload
 Term 3 & 4 Workshops.pdfDownload
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